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GenDx, Thermo Fisher Ink Global Reseller Pact for QuantStudio qPCR Systems

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Dutch molecular diagnostics firm Genome Diagnostics (GenDx) has become a global reseller for Thermo Fisher Scientific's Applied Biosystems QuantStudio real-time PCR systems.

Under the non-exclusive agreement, GenDx and its local distributors are authorized to supply QuantStudio systems, including the QuantStudio 5, QuantStudio 6 Flex, and QuantStudio 7 Flex, as well as service contracts for their use in human leukocyte antigen typing and chimerism monitoring in their respective countries.

QuantStudio systems work with reagents and software from GenDx, which together form a workflow for monitoring the chimeric status of bone marrow and stem cell recipients. Through the agreement, GenDx can better support laboratories that perform low-resolution HLA typing for solid organ transplants.

"We are very pleased to expand our partnership with Thermo Fisher Scientific to include the suite of QuantStudio real-time PCR instruments," said GenDx CEO Wietse Mulder in a statement.

Earlier this year, GenDx signed another global reseller agreement, to offer Thermo Fisher's Ion next-generation sequencing systems.