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BJS Biotechnologies to Lead £5M London Consortium for POC Sepsis MDx

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – BJS Biotechnologies announced today that it will lead a £5 million ($7.4 million) London-based consortium to finalize development of a point-of-care molecular diagnostic test for sepsis. 

The system, called Sepsis-xxpress, will be based on BJS Biotechnologies' sample preparation technology which isolates small quantities of bacterial and fungal DNA from large volumes of whole blood. This will be integrated with the firms' qPCR system and a patented sepsis panel.

Collaborators at Brunel University London will contribute microfluidic cartridge design and analysis of trial data, and St Georges, University of London will perform clinical trials of the system.

The test is expected to deliver results in less than two hours.

The project is being supported by an investment from BJS, research funding at Brunel University, and unnamed additional sources, a BJS spokesperson told GenomeWeb.