US Air Force
George Washington Family Members Identified in DNA Analysis of Remains From Unmarked Graves
Using targeted sequencing and extended kinship analyses, researchers identified samples from mid-1800s sites where Washington's great-nephews and other family members were buried.
Federal Agencies Collaborate to Solicit Proposals for SARS-CoV-2 Testing Supply Chain Scale-up
The collaborators are requesting submissions including budget proposals to scale all supporting components of diagnostic test manufacturing.
US Air Force Studying Impact of Exome Sequencing in Routine Care
The study aims to explore the "unique benefits and challenges" or incorporating genomic information into the routine care of active duty Air Force members.
Air Force Sequencing Study to Inform Broader Genomic Medicine Implementation Among Service Members
The study being conducted under the Genomes2People umbrella will explore how best to introduce genetic information into the routine care of active duty service members.
USAF Funds Sanford-Burnham Chemical Screening Initiative
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Sanford-Burhnam Medical research Institute said today it has received a grant from the US Department of the Air Force to use cell-based assays to study the potential toxicity of large collections of chemicals.