University of Melbourne
University of Melbourne, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Launch Precision Oncology JV
The institutions aim to improve equitable access to precision oncology advances and patients' outcomes through their collaborative effort.
Zoonomia Consortium Digs Into 240 Mammalian Genomes for Evolutionary, Disease Insights
Researchers analyzed sequence constraints and other features in 240 placental mammal genomes to explore mammalian evolution, adaptation, and broader sequence function.
End-Stage Ovarian Cancer Marked by Rampant Treatment Resistance, Multiple Clones
By profiling multiple tumors per patient, researchers found pronounced polyclonal disease and diverse resistance mechanisms in end-stage high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma.
Plague Pathogen Population History Informed by Integrative Analysis
Researchers found that genetic analyses of Yersinia pestis genomes alone could not sufficiently track the slow-mutating microbes, which have an unstable molecular clock.
Denisovan DNA Detected in Papuan Immune Gene Regulatory Regions
Researchers mapped archaic and non-archaic variants in 56 Papuan genome sequences, tracking down Denisovan variants at regulatory elements linked to cells with immune roles.