University of Arkansas
Celgene, Dana-Farber, University of Arkansas Form Myeloma Genome Project
The partners aim to create a broad collection of high-quality genomic and clinical data from multiple myeloma patients to improve disease diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment.
The consortium will analyze data from patients and mouse models in the first year as part of efforts to find ways of detecting tumors earlier.
UAMS Myeloma Institute to Create MDx Center, Endowed Chair with $10M Celgene Gift
The gift will go toward the creation of theBartBarlogieCenterfor Molecular Diagnostics and the Celgene Distinguished Endowed Chair for Molecular Therapeutics.
IP Roundup: Life Technologies, U of Arkansas, Biodetection Instruments, Illumina, and Others
Life Technologies of Carlsbad, Calif, has received US Patent No.
Researchers from the University of Arkansas have developed a nanopositioning system that makes use of a tuning fork, probe-bound DNA, and a solid-state nanopore to control translocation of the DNA through the pore.
Jul 19, 2011
IP Roundup, Jul 19, 2011
Sep 24, 2010
Arkansas Wins $5.4M in Funding for Protein Center
Feb 9, 2010