UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation
UK COVID-19 Sequencing Consortium Launches With £20M in Government, Wellcome Trust Funding
The consortium, which spans more than a dozen UK cities, will sequence patient samples to understand the spread and evolution of the novel coronavirus.
UKCMRI Name Change to Honor DNA Royalty
The multi-partner institute in London will take on the name of one of the UK's most famous biologists.
King's College, Imperial College Join London's UKCMRI
The new partners will each contribute £40 million in the UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation, bringing the total committed funding for the planned London institute to £700 million ($1.14 billion).
UKCMRI Wins Planning Approval from Camden Officials Despite Opposition
UKCMRI has said genomics and other technologies will be applied toward its four key goals: research excellence, supporting the UK's biomedical research effort, recruiting and training researchers, and fostering translation of discoveries into new treatments against disease.
Science Budget Frozen but Spared Cuts as UK Government Aims to Slash Costs
Britain's Conservative party government plans to leave science funding flat for four years while it hacks away at other government expenses in order to bring down its deficits.