Cancer Study Finds Protein-Truncating Mutations Overrepresented in Specific Mutational Signatures
Researchers linked stop-gain mutations stemming from smoking, APOBEC enzyme activity, and reactive oxygen species to related mutational signatures, genes, and pathways.
Multimodal Cell-Free DNA Test May Help Detect Cancer Early in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Patients
Researchers analyzed cfDNA from blood focusing on genomic, fragmentomic, and epigenomic features linked to cancer in individuals with germline TP53 mutations.
Nurosene Health, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research Team for Pancreatic Cancer Research
Nurosene's NetraMark subsidiary will use its AI platform to analyze genome sequencing data from pancreatic cancer patients in order to help personalize treatments.
Canadian Consortium Launches COVID Cloud to Support Molecular Research
Led by DNAstack and supported by Canada's Digital Technology Supercluster, COVID Cloud looks to build a nationwide bioinformatics infrastructure to address the pandemic.
Large-Scale Pan-Cancer Analysis Expands Set of Alterations Disrupting Key Genes, Pathways
Members of a large, international consortium tapped into whole-genome sequences from nearly 2,700 tumors to explore coding and non-coding variants contributing to cancer.