NYC, Corporate Partners Launch $100M Life Sciences Investment Fund
NY State Funds New Genomics, Biotech Development
New York State plans to invest $49.7 million in a wide range biotechnology-focused economic development projects with funding going to research institutes, incubators, and businesses throughout the state.
Around the Regions: May 1, 2009
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Vermont Pharma Marketing Disclosure Bills, New England Biotech Association, US Energy Frontier Research Centers, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, New York Biotechnology Association, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Idea Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence, Pittsburgh Entrepreneur Fund, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Accelerator Program, Maryland Technology Development Corporation, San Diego Center for Algae Biotechnology
Warren Bruggeman, Thomas Herzog, Lee Potts, Corey Goodman, Gregory Webb, Stephen Sands, Maggie Dias, Santiago Galvez, Elizabeth Goodman, Claudia Hillinger, Thad Seymour, Randy Scott, John Spencer, Thomas Stevens, Jim Talton, Daniel Wahby, Stephanie Warrington, Claudia Zylberberg