FDA SEQC Study Shows RNA-seq is Reproducible for Relative Expression, Can ID New Splice Junctions
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – RNA sequencing is able to accurately measure relative expression levels, irrespective of sequencing platform and user site, but no gene expression technology provides accurate absolute measurements, according to a new study by the SEQC/MAQC-III consortium.
Study Advocates Ways to Improve Reliability of GWAS Findings, Demonstrates Platform Reproducibility
Looking to explain the discordance sometimes observed in the results of independent genome-wide association studies, a team of researchers from multiple government, academic, and corporate entities recently assessed the ability of laboratories to obtain similar genotypes using di
Accurate phenotypic definitions and experience in bioinformatics are among the most essential prerequisites for the development of accurate classifiers, according to leaders of the second phase of the Microarray Quality Control project.
Q&A: Riverside Cancer Care Center's Guy Tillinghast on the Clinical Impact of the MAQC-II Project
According to Tillinghast, the consortium's results should be useful for clinicians who are looking to overcome uncertainty associated with microarrays in order to introduce the technology into medical practice.