Metagenomic Microbiome Analysis Expands Known Phylogenetic Diversity of Earth's Bacteria, Archaea
This microbial catalog can help in understanding secondary-metabolite biosynthetic potential and resolving thousands of host linkages to uncultivated viruses.
Genome-Wide Mutant Screen in Bacteria Helps Annotate Thousands of Genes With Unknown Function
The researchers proposed specific functions for transporters, enzymes, and uncharacterized protein families and identified several potential DNA repair proteins.
Citrus Genomics, Phylogenetics Traces Fruits' Origins
Researchers also used citrus genomes to untangle their relationships and suggest new taxonomic classifications.
JGI-Led Team Doubles Number of Bacteria, Archaea Type Strains
The researchers have published more than a thousand reference genomes that fill phylogenetic gaps in the tree of life.
Nigel Mouncey joined the JGI in March from Dow AgroSciences and is interested in broadening the user base and scope of JGI's research.
Apr 18, 2016
Aug 11, 2015
JGI to Grant $1.2M to Genomic Technology Projects
Jun 25, 2015
Mar 25, 2014
Apr 2, 2013