Georgia Tech
The test uses mass spectrometry and artificial intelligence to look for patterns of metabolites in a patient's serum that may indicate ovarian cancer.
The company showed that its chip can detect SNPs in models of sickle-cell disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, without the need for DNA amplification.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Genetic Risk Architecture Appears Distinct in African Americans
Using whole-genome sequence data for thousands of African American individuals, researchers teased out ancestry effects on polygenic risk of the conditions.
IARPA Commits $48M to DNA Data Storage
Illumina, Twist Bioscience, and DNA Script are among the private sector collaborators of the groups receiving funds to develop technology platforms.
Genetic Disease Risk Estimates May Be off in Populations Not Covered by GWAS
A Georgia Tech team found that the reliance of genome-wide association studies on European populations has skewed estimates of disease risk in other populations.