NIH, Partners Commit $74.9M to New Phase of Alzheimer's Program
AMP AD 2.0 will look to bring precision medicine technologies to Alzheimer's biomarker and target discovery over the next five year.
Since the commercial launch of its technology last year, the firm has been validating it in studies with academic groups and pharmaceutical companies.
Having raised $1.5 million in funding since announcing the project at a 2017 AACR meeting, the group anticipates completing the first phase of the project by Q2 2020.
The company is testing a five-protein panel in longitudinal samples to see if it could help with early detection and prediction of progression in Alzheimer's.
NIH Awards $6M to Create Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus Research Network
NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – The National Institutes of Health said today it has awarded $6 million to 11 research teams for studies that will use genomic and single-cell-level analyses to identify potential therapeutic and diagnostic targets for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
Dec 27, 2013
I-SPY 2 Graduates First Two Drugs for Breast Cancer
Jan 7, 2011
Apr 3, 2009
UVA Lands $7M from Gates Foundation
Mar 18, 2009