Florida State University
Noncoding Structural Variants Highlighted in Integrated Cancer Genome Analysis
Using Hi-C, genome sequencing, and optical mapping, researchers profiled structural variants in multiple cancer cell lines, leading to potential non-coding drivers.
Functional Maize Genome Resides in Open Chromatin, Researchers Find
Although the open chromatin regions account for less than 1 percent of the maize genome, they explain some 40 percent of phenotypic variance, the researchers reported.
FSU to Use NSF Grant for Maize Genomics
The Plant Genome Research Program funding will support research focused on cellular activity and gene expression.
NSF Grants $1.1M to FSU for Maize Epigenetics
The Early Career Development Award will fund studies into gene expression controls in corn and aims to engage students in all aspects of lab research.
Survey of Tech-Transfer Offices Reveals Typical Motivators; AUTM Panel Weighs Various Models
A majority of US tech-transfer offices said their main goals are to provide a service to faculty entrepreneurs and translate university research into commercial products — but much less so to maximize licensing revenue or provide research support, according to the survey.