Children's Mercy
The Missouri hospital system designed its own 13-gene PGx panel, which it runs at its molecular genetics lab and calls the Kiddose PGx test.
New Consortium Aims to Demonstrate Strengths of PacBio Revio Platform for Genetic Disease Research
HiFi Solves brings together researchers from 15 institutions across 11 countries to study the value of HiFi sequencing in clinical research applications.
Children's Mercy Clinical Validation of Long-Read WGS Assay Sets Stage for Frontline Evaluation
The so-called "five-base" assay, which includes methylation calls thanks to PacBio's Revio instrument, will be evaluated as a frontline test for critically ill newborns.
With rapid nanopore whole-genome sequencing and targeted analysis, researchers can determine a newborn's genetic risk for a disorder in three hours.
Children's Mercy Test Drives Addition of Methylation Calls on Pacific Biosciences' Long-Read WGS
Pacific Biosciences' HiFi sequencing protocol now includes 5mC methylation calls for every genome. What will researchers discover with it?