Long Reads Perform Well in ABRF, DeCode Genetics Methylation Sequencing Benchmarking Studies
An ABRF study discovered "spurious" calls in some bisulfite-based methods as well as partial methylation of largely unmethylated controls provided by Zymo Research.
ABRF Compensation Survey Finds Highest Pay in Mass Spec, Bioinformatics Core Facilities
The survey, commissioned by the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities, also noted that the market for talent has become more competitive since the COVID-19 pandemic.
The group, which represents core labs and shared research resource facilities, plans to apply for funding from the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education program.
At ABRF Meeting, T2T Consortium Describes Improvements of Complete Human Genome
The new human genome assembly could lead to better variant calling and inform cell biology studies, a consortium of researchers said at the ABRF annual meeting.
FASEB, ABRF Preparing for NIH Data Management, Sharing Plan
FASEB has launched an initiative called DataWorks, while an ABRF working group is developing templates for core labs to use.