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Yourgene Iona Care

Yourgene has launched Iona Care, a non-invasive prenatal test service offering with an extended clinical menu that measures the likelihood that a pregnant woman is carrying a fetus with sex chromosome aneuploidies and autosomal aneuploidies. Iona Care will be offered alongside the company's current Iona test, which offers screening for trisomies 21, 18, and 13, as well as fetal sex determination.

Iona Care is carried out on a small maternal blood sample and is performed using the CE-marked, NGS-based Iona Nx NIPT workflow. This additional clinical menu is now available as a service offering, primarily aimed at the UK private clinic testing market, but also with customers in the Middle East and Turkey. Some results will be turned around in as fast as two days, and more than 80 percent of patients will receive results within three days, the company said.