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Shimadzu: LCMS RX Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Series

Shimadzu this week introduced its new series of LCMS RX Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry instruments. The series consists of the LCMS-8045RX system, intended for routine analysis; the LCMS-8050RX system, for higher sensitivity analyses; and the LCMS-8060RX, the company's flagship triple quad.

The systems feature the company's CoreSpray technology, which improves heat distribution of the ionization source, improving sample ionization, as well as its IonFocus electrode, which removes matrix contaminants, lowering noise levels and improving data quality. The systems' Performance Concierge feature proactively evaluates system performance with a standard solution, troubleshoots problems, and notifies operators of maintenance needs, effectively minimizing instrument downtime.