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Scale Biosciences Single-Cell Methylation, CRISPR Guide Enrichment, and RNA Sequencing Kits

Scale Biosciences, a San Diego-based single-cell sequencing company, has launched the ScaleBio Single-Cell Methylation, ScaleBio Single-Cell CRISPR Guide Enrichment, and Scale-plex Kits.

The Single-Cell Methylation Sequencing Kit uses a simple, instrument-free, plate-based indexing workflow leveraging ScaleBio's patented combinatorial indexing technology to enable projects profiling tens of thousands of cells by preparing sequencing-ready libraries from a wide range of fresh and frozen sample types, the company said. ScaleBio is also offering this solution as a service.

The Single-Cell CRISPR Guide Enrichment Kit is designed for single-cell CRISPR screening applications, further improving single-cell CRISPR guide detection with commonly used CROP-seq libraries, the company said. The kit is intended for pharmaceutical drug discovery applications including target and hit validation, as well as disease research applications.

The Scale-plex Kit features a new sample multiplexing chemistry to enable translational researchers to conduct single-cell RNA sequencing experiments using small tissue samples such as core needle biopsies, fine needle aspirates, and small tissue biopsies. This kit also uses the company's combinatorial indexing technology, enabling researchers to pool samples while maintaining sample identity, limit individual sample loss, and reduce time spent on sample and library preparation, Scale Bio said.

Finally, the company noted that it has extended the throughput capabilities of its Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Kit such that researchers can scale up their experiments from 125,000 cells to 500,000 cells per run.