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Quantum-Si: Protein Barcoding Kit and Platinum Library Prep Kit, V2

Quantum-Si has released its Protein Barcoding Kit to enable multiplexed protein screening using peptide barcodes. The kit is targeted toward applications including optimization of lipid nanoparticles, evaluating mRNA therapeutics, and analyzing protein characteristics, and has an overnight workflow that requires less than one hour of hands-on time.

The company also announced the launch of the Platinum Library Prep Kit, V2 for single-molecular protein sequencing. Improvements to the new kit include improved performance, with 85 percent of proteins attempted generating successful libraries and sequencing results; an enhanced workflow that is optimized for a variety of protein conditions and uses five-fold less protein input than V1; and simplified preparation that produces sequencing-ready libraries using standard lab equipment with less than two minutes of hands-on time.