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Quantabio eQo 1-Step ToughMix Kit

Quantabio has released the eQo 1-Step ToughMix kit, which comes in a lyophilized, bead-based, and eco-friendly format that can be stored and set up at ambient temperature. Featuring the company's ToughMix chemistry, the new kit was designed for use with a wide range of challenging starting materials with common PCR inhibitors. New enzymes and chemistry enable specific and efficient conversion of even highly structured RNAs at temperatures between 55° and 60° C. The highly processive, warm-start reverse transcriptase allows scientists to run qPCR and PCR experiments without ice on the bench and in the field. Once the lyophilized eQo beads are rehydrated, the 4x concentrated master mix is stable for one year at -20° C. The kit was created to withstand multiple freeze and thaw cycles, and the single-tube format facilitates easy reaction setup and prevents potential cross-contamination, the company said.