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PerkinElmer NextFlex Small RNA-Seq Kit v4, NextFlex Rapid XP v2 DNA Seq Kit, PG-Seq Rapid Kit v2

PerkinElmer launched three research-use-only library preparation kits aimed at eliminating bottlenecks that slow down scientific discovery. The NextFlex Small RNA-Seq Kit v4 provides gel-free library preparation from purified miRNA or 1 ng of total RNA. PerkinElmer said the kit is optimized for simplified use and "easy migration" onto automated liquid handling platform and produces RNA libraries that are ready for small RNA libraries in six hours, allowing for the multiplexing of 384 samples per run.

The NextFlex Rapid XP v2 DNA-Seq Kit includes NextFlex normalization beads for a consistent mass and sequencing cluster density for all DNA samples in a library pool, Waltham, Massachusetts-based PerkinElmer said, adding the kit shortens the quantification and pooling preparation time for sequencing by up to three hours per 96 samples.

Lastly, the PG-Seq Rapid Kit v2 allows researchers to analyze picogram quantities of DNA from an embryo biopsy for preimplantation genetic research. It allows up to 96 sample multiplexing.