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PCR Biosystems Air-Dryable Probe 1-Step Mix

PCR Biosystems has launched Air-Dryable Probe 1-Step Mix, an all-in-one, air-dryable 4x RT-qPCR reagent mix for the detection of RNA and DNA sequences. The kits allow developers to use standard lab ovens to dry reagents in 80 minutes as an alternative to lyophilization. They comprise a glycerol-free 4x qPCR mix with hot start Taq polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl₂, and other reagents for drying without activity loss. A more stable version of UltraScript reverse transcriptase and RiboShield RNase inhibitor are also added, providing a single-tube format. Kits can be used for both RNA and DNA detection, and dried assays are stable for three months at 37°C.