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Opentrons Robotics Workstations for Genomic, Proteomic Applications

Opentrons Robotics has launched four new OT-2 workstation products to support various omics applications. The new workstations comprise the OT-2 platform, application-specific hardware, pipettes and labware, and custom protocol development, quickly allowing labs to set up automated workflows, the company said.

The new workstations are:

  • NGS Workstation, enabling automation of multiple steps of the pre-sequencing workflow including library and sample preparation, with verified protocols for reagents from Illumina, New England Biolabs, Roche, and Swift Biosciences/IDT, with further verified protocols for other reagents anticipated in mid-2022.
  • PCR Workstation, enabling automated setup of PCR reactions and optional on-board amplification with verified protocols for reagents from Illumina and Swift/IDT.
  • Dual Flow Chromatography-Based Protein Purification Workstation, enabling automated protein purification with Biotage PhyTip columns to maximize binding interactions and sample recovery.
  • Magnetic Bead-Based Protein Purification and Protein Assay Workstation, enabling automated protein purification and sample preparation for proteomics, as well as automating setups for popular protein separation and quantification assays.