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HTG Molecular Diagnostics: HTG Transcriptome Panel

HTG Molecular Diagnostics has launched its HTG Transcriptome Panel in the US and Europe. The panel is designed to measure approximately 20,000 mRNA targets using the firm's HTG EdgeSeq technology, and is available from the company in kit form or as a service in HTG's VERI/O laboratory. The panel is also currently designed for use with Illumina sequencing platforms. The company said that a recent internal study demonstrated that the FFPE sample input required across five different cancer types (melanoma, lung, breast, prostate, and colorectal) is much less than a typical core needle biopsy and often less than a single FFPE section. The study also revealed that the panel was highly robust and repeatable, and achieved a high accuracy in regard to differential expression. HTG has also commercially released HTG EdgeSeq Reveal version 4.0.0, adding features and software functionalities to support, among other things, data analysis for the HTG Transcriptome Panel.