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Fluidigm CyTOF XT

Fluidigm has launched CyTOF XT, the fourth generation of the company's CyTOF mass cytometry platform. The instrument offers a new level of automation through streamlined operation, automatic monitoring, and easier system management, according to the company's website. It features a chilled sample carousel that cools samples to between 4° and 8° C and holds 12 5-mL and one 15-mL sample tube. The platform can acquire up to 13 different samples and panels in a single batch run, and features automated resuspension of sample pellets and addition of normalization beads. Fluidigm noted that other features include easy daily setup, automated system tuning, and real-time signal optimization. The company also noted that the system offers a high level of data quality, with minimal to no background signal seen in detection channels; and no signal compensation or deconvolution required after data collection.