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Deepcell REM-I Platform

Deepcell has launched the REM-I Platform, a high-dimensional cell morphology analysis and sorting platform comprising the REM-I benchtop instrument, Human Foundation Model, and Axon data suite. Deepcell said its technology has been used to capture and characterize more than 2 billion images of single cells across a large variety of cell types. The Human Foundation Model, a self-supervised deep learning model trained on a subset of these unlabeled cellular images from a range of carefully selected biological samples, characterizes brightfield single-cell images captured on the REM-I instrument and generates high-dimensional embedding data. Researchers can use the Axon data suite to access, visualize, and analyze these data in real time and sort their cell groups of interest into up to six outlets on the REM-I instrument, the company said. Potential application areas include cancer biology, developmental biology, stem cell biology, gene therapy, and functional screening, Deepcell added.