Cygnus Technologies/TriLink Biotechnologies AccuRes Host Cell DNA Quantification Kits
Cygnus Technologies and TriLink BioTechnologies, both a part of Maravai LifeSciences, have launched AccuRes Host Cell DNA Quantification kits, which use probe-based quantification to ensure specificity for the target host cell line as opposed to off-target DNA. The FAM-labeled nucleic acid probe is quenched by BHQ-1 until PCR extension, and the kits are compatible with any qPCR instrument that detects FAM signal, the companies said. The kit includes all reagents for DNA extraction in a plate or microfuge tube format, AccuRes PCR master mix, primer/probe mix, and a DNA standard. More specifically, the kits combine Cygnus' proprietary extraction procedure with a probe-based master mix containing TriLink's patented CleanAmpdNTPs and a hot-start Taq DNA polymerase. The kits have a demonstrated limit of detection of 0.6 fg/µL, the companies said.