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Biotype Modaplex FGFR3 Mutation and Gene Fusion Kits

Biotype has launched two additions to its Modaplex PCR-based assay portfolio, the Modaplex FGFR3 Mutation Kit and the Modaplex FGFR Gene Fusion Kit, both for research use only.

The company said the assays are designed to detect actionable FGFR alterations in urothelial cancer samples in under five hours. The Modaplex platform enables advanced multiplexing and has high concordance to standard PCR and next-generation sequecning assays, according to Biotype. Tests use an integrated, one-step reverse transcriptase-PCR workflow with automated data analysis.

The FGFR3 Mutation Kit targets 13 actionable mutations in RNA extracted from FFPE tissue blocks. The Gene Fusion Kit allows for parallel detection of 12 clinically relevant gene fusions of the FGFR2 and FGFR3 genes, including seven variants of FGFR3::TACC3. Both assays can run in parallel under the same protocol.