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Bio-Rad Exact Diagnostics CT/NG Positive Run Control and STI Negative Run Control

Bio-Rad Laboratories has launched two new Exact Diagnostics-branded products: CT/NG Positive Run Control and STI Negative Run Control for use with molecular assays to monitor their intra- and inter-run performance.

CT/NG Positive Run Control is intended to be used with Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) molecular assays. It contains a mix of formalin-inactivated whole CT elementary bodies with heat-inactivated whole NG microorganisms and is formulated in a synthetic matrix. The product is internally value-assigned using Bio-Rad Droplet Digital PCR.

The STI Negative Run Control is a formulated synthetic matrix containing human cells. This simulates adequate specimen sampling, which is tested by some assays, Bio-Rad said. The product may also be used to dilute or spike-in patient specimens or analyte-containing materials for purposes such as assay validation and verification, the company added.