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Adaptive Biotechnologies ClonoSeq MRD Assay for DLBCL Patients

Adaptive Biotechnologies has launched its ClonoSeq Assay to detect minimal residual disease (MRD) in blood for patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). According to Adaptive, ClonoSeq can assess a patient's MRD status in DLBCL by measuring circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA). The assay is available in DLBCL as a CLIA-validated laboratory-developed test (LDT), and beginning this week, the company will accept DLBCL blood samples in Streck tubes to enable broader access to ctDNA-based MRD testing for clinicians and patients. Adaptive said ClonoSeq MRD testing is covered by Medicare in DLBCL, with coverage extending to all DLBCL patients regardless of line of therapy, treatment regimen, or testing timepoint.