WuXi NextCode LifeCode.ai
WuXi NextCode has launched LifeCode.ai, a health databank that uses blockchain technology to manage health data securely. The databank encrypts and stores user data multiple times, and the information can only be accessed with user-specific authorization, the firm said. In addition, each change in the data is recorded in a blockchain. WuXi has designed the databank for both individual and enterprise use.
Devyser Thalassemia Kit
Devyser has released the Devyser Thalassemia kit for the analysis of sequence variants in the HBA1, HBA2, and HBB genes in human genomic DNA. Compatible with the Illumina MiSeq and MiniSeq instruments, the research-use-only kit detects all mutations in these genes, including SNVs, indels, and copy number variations. The PCR chemistry provides complete and uniform coverage of targeted regions, and enables a high level of overlapping amplicon multiplexing and NGS library preparation with no sample splitting, the company said.
Rheonix Literia PatternAlert Assay
Rheonix has launched its Listeria PatternAlert assay, a method to quickly identify molecular patterns from Listeria strains. The assay detects the presence or absence of independently occurring genetic targets that can sort Listeria strains into thousands of potential patterns. Each pattern generated by the assay covers a group of strains and can also include multiple species of Listeria. Running on the firm's Encompass Optimum platform, the assay provides results in six hours after a positive screen, without requiring an isolate. The method will help food producers to identify and trace back sources of Listeria contamination, allowing users to minimize the risk of contamination and recall.
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