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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb This Week: GATC Biotech, Cancer Genetics, and Asuragen

GATC Biotech Inview Metagenome

GATC Biotech has launched its Inview Metagenome service for metagenome analysis. The service is based on next-generation sequencing of all DNA material in the sample. The protocol does not require amplification of taxonomic gene markers, and uses BioIT analysis based on comprehensive reference databases which enables the removal of host sequences and determination of community composition, the company said. The service is ideal for obtaining unbiased taxonomic profiles of microbial and viral communities for functional analysis or characterization, or antibiotic resistance and virulence factors, GATC added.

Cancer Genetics Focus::Renal

Cancer Genetics has launched Focus::Renal, a next-generation sequencing panel for personalized medicine in renal cancers. The panel, developed in collaboration with leading cancer centers and academic institutions, is a comprehensive and accurate genomic profiling tool covering the majority of renal cancer markers and pathways. It detects mutations in 76 renal cancer-related genes, genome-wide copy number changes, and critical single nucleotide polymorphisms, enabling clinicians to diagnose, give a prognosis, and select therapies for renal cancer patients. Focus::Renal can also be used to distinguish among the dominant three malignant and one benign renal cancer subtypes.

Asuragen Quantidex NGS RNA Lung Cancer Kit

Asuragen has launched the QuantideX NGS RNA Lung Cancer Kit, a next-generation sequencing panel that analyzes known gene fusions, 3' and 5' imbalance markers, exon skipping events, and mRNA expression levels in non-small cell lung cancer samples. The kit is optimized for use with low-quality samples and low input samples, including from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded and fine needle aspirations. It has also been designed to work with Asuragen's Sample-Aware bioinformatics software. According to the company, the panel can detect fusions and splice variants at 5 percent cell fraction and 1 percent cell fraction, respectively.

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