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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb This Week: Becton Dickinson, Phase Genomics, and Dovetail Genomics

Becton Dickinson Precise WTA Kits for Single-Cell Research

Becton Dickinson has launched the BD Precise WTA kits, which provide an easier method to identify and quantify genetic information in single cells. The kits include specialized reagents that can extract RNA molecules from individual cells and then "tag" each molecule with a unique molecular signature. Researchers stain a sample with dyes and insert the treated sample into a flow cytometer where the cells are lysed, barcoded, and further prepared for sequencing. Once sequenced, the cell data is processed and analyzed by a proprietary analysis pipeline specific for RNA quantification.

Phase Genomics Proximo

Phase Genomics has launched Proximo, a service providing complete end-to-end genome assemblies to researchers around the globe. To create the assemblies, the company uses a modified version of the chromosome capture method, Hi-C, to measure the distances between DNA sequence. Then the company uses its proprietary software to organize DNA sequence fragment into whole chromosomes based on those measurements. 

Dovetail Genomics Hi-C Sequencing and Assembly Service

Dovetail Genomics has launched its Dovetail Hi-C sequencing and assembly service, which yields chromosome-scale genome assemblies. The new Dovetail Hi-C service produces libraries that enables researchers to look at biological signals and chromosome rearrangements through the lens of in vivo chromatin interactions.

For more new products and services, please visit the New Products page on our website.