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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Fluidigm, Pacific Biosciences, More

Thermo Fisher Scientific Q Exactive UHMR Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer; Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid Mass Spectrometer; ChromaCare Solutions and Solvents

Thermo Fisher Scientific has launched the Thermo Scientific Q Exactive UHMR Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, which is the platform to combine high-resolution, high-sensitivity MS2 and pseudo-MS3 capabilities into one workflow. It is an ultra-high mass range system for both native mass spectrometry and top-down analysis.

In addition, the company launched the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid Mass Spectrometer, which combines elements of its quadrupole, Orbitrap, and linear ion trip mass analyzer technologies and enables users to acquire data with less expertise in experimental setup and interpretation. It is designed to characterize and identify small molecules across different applications.

Further, Thermo Fisher has launched the ChromaCare line of flush solutions and ultra-high performance LC-MS solvents, which help reduce background noise and prevent protein precipitation.

Fluidigm Advanta Sample ID Genotyping Panel

Fluidigm has launched the Advanta Sample ID Genotyping Panel for the identification and quality assessment of human samples and cell lines in disease research. Developed for use with the Biomark HD system, the Advanta panel enables laboratories to accurately detect a unique genetic fingerprint from samples at each stage of their journey. The panel design contains 96 different SNP variants, including 80 synonymous human variants located in exonic regions of the genome; 10 quality assessment variants; and six gender-confirming variants. New targets for specific sample populations also can be added to customize the panel based on specific study goals, Fluidigm noted.

Pacific Biosciences Microbial Multiplexing Kit

Pacific Biosciences has a launched a microbial multiplexing kit for its single-molecule sequencing instrument Sequel. The kit includes two new validated barcoded adapter kits and makes use of PacBio's new Sequel Binding/Sequencing Kit 2.1 and its analysis software SMRT Link version 5.1.0, according to the company. Multiplexing is done by incorporating a unique barcode for each microbe into the SMRTbell adapters after shearing genomic DNA. The process does not require PCR amplification, so epigenetic information is preserved.

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