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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Philip Morris International, MGI, PreOmics

Philip Morris International GladiaTox

Philip Morris International (PMI) has launched GladiaTox, an open-source informatics product for high-content screening data in biomedical research. According to PMI, GladiaTox allows "robust and efficient storage, processing, and reporting of HCS data, in line with the landmark 21st Century Toxicology program." The firm's platform is an evolution of the ToxCast Pipeline created for the US Environmental Protection Agency. The solution can analyze disparate types of HCS data in an integrated fashion and supports the "3S" approach to biological understanding – "systematic, systemic, and systems," which looks at organisms in their entirety rather than specific organs in isolation. PMI developed GladiaTox in collaboration with Filer Consulting.

MGI Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Solution

BGI subsidiary MGI has begun marketing a product solution that allows users of BGI and MGI sequencing platforms to perform single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) with 10x Genomics' technology. The solution includes the MGIEasy Universal Library Conversion Kit, a new product, as well as the 10x Genomics Chromium Controller and Single-Cell RNA Solutions. Researchers from the UK and Australia recently tested BGI's sequencing technology for scRNA-seq with 10x Genomics' platform.

PreOmics PreON

PreOmics has launched its PreON protein sample preparation platform. According to the company's website, PreON processes 4 to 12 samples in less than three hours and uses a plug-and-play method selection that streamlines protein sample processing for mass spectrometry-based protein analysis. The benchtop system also features an onboard heated shaker, automated swing-out centrifuge, and automated pipetting, and is designed to eliminate both manual processing steps and errors.

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