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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Oxford Nanopore, Intermountain Healthcare, AusDiagnostics

Oxford Nanopore PromethIon 24, PromethIon 48

Oxford Nanopore Technologies said this week that its PromethIon 24 and PromethIon 48 sequencing platforms are now available for users to order. The instruments can run up to either 24 or 48 flow cells, respectively, and include a computer for real-time data analysis. The run time ranges from 1 minutes to 64 hours, and the best yield per run with 1D reads so far has been 7.6 terabytes, based on customer data, with a theoretical maximum of 15 Tb. There is no instrument cost, but users must pay for a $20,000 annual service contract. Flow cells range in price from $625 to $2,000, depending on order type and volume, and reagent costs per run are $99.

Intermountain Healthcare Precision Genomics ICG100 Myeloid Malignancies Panel

Intermountain Healthcare Precision Genomics has announced its ICG100 Myeloid Malignancies Panel to help classify and diagnose multiple blood cancer types. The panel includes 63 genes and uses peripheral blood, bone marrow aspirate, extracted DNA, or fixed samples to detect faulty gene alterations through next-generation sequencing. According to the firm, the panel identifies variants in genes linked to several cancers, including acute myeloid leukemia, myeloid proliferative neoplasm, myeloid dysplastic syndrome, and myeloid dysplastic/myeloid proliferative overlap disorders.

AusDiagnostics Dermatophytes IVD Kit

AusDiagnostics has released a new in vitro diagnostic kit that detects dermatophytes and other fungi. According to the firm, the new kit will produce a result in four hours, allowing medical professionals to advise their patients on the best course of treatment. AusDiagnostics said that the kit detects species of Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton, as well as identifying six common dermatophytes and six Candida species.

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