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New Products Posted to GenomeWeb: Illumina, Integrated DNA Technologies, Living DNA, More

Illumina Infinium Global Diversity Array

Illumina has launched the Infinium Global Diversity Array, the commercial version of the array designed for use in the National Institutes of Health All of Us research program. The array features about 1.9 million variants, including imputation-optimized tag SNPs and up-to-date clinical research content from public databases such as ClinVar, the National Human Genome Research Institute-EBI database, and Pharmacogenomics Knowledgebase (PharmGKB). Illumina said that the array has broad utility for a variety of large-scale screening and association studies, with content relevant for polygenic risk scoring, common-disease association studies, and inherited risk screening. In addition, the array offers extremely high genomic coverage and imputation performance across 26 diverse populations. The array also comes in an eight-sample format chip that has room to add up to 175,000 custom bead types, the company said.

Integrated DNA Technologies NGS Discovery Panels

Integrated DNA Technologies has launched its NGS Discovery Pools, individually synthesized, 5'-biotinylated oligo pools designed to enable researchers to quickly build custom panels at a fraction of the cost compared to conventional panels. According to IDT, the NGS Discovery Pools offer the quality of individual synthesis at a speed and scale needed for discovery in precision medicine. The firm also noted that the pools will allow customers to use its "high-quality capture technology for smaller projects and in earlier stages, where content may still be changing, allowing for a smooth transition to Lockdown Probes as projects are scaled up and validated for clinical use." IDT said that the xGen Lockdown Probes are commercially available for target capture in clinical sequencing applications.

Living DNA Genealogy, Wellbeing Kits

Living DNA has launched two new kits that provide customers with genealogy and wellbeing information. The company offers a $49 or £49 Starter DNA Kit that is designed for individuals who are interested in DNA testing but are unsure about what type of test to take. Using a mouth swab sample, the kit provides a high-level global view of a customer's ancestry, the ability to find DNA matches with others worldwide, and wellbeing reports focused on supporting diet and exercise. Living DNA's $129 or £129 Wellbeing Kit provides detailed reports including lifestyle-related advice on vitamin levels and deficiencies, metabolism, response to food components such as glucose and lactose, and fitness and exercise response. The new offerings join Living DNA's existing $99/£99 Ancestry Kit.

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