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Universal Diagnostic Laboratories to Market Combimatrix Miscarriage Test in California

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – CombiMatrix said today that it has made an agreement with Universal Diagnostic Laboratories under which the lab will market and distribute CombiMatrix's chromosomal microarray miscarriage analysis test in California.

Specific terms of the deal were not disclosed. 

In a statement, CombiMatrix President and CEO Mark McDonough said that the move will make the company's test more accessible to women in California who experience recurrent pregnancy loss and hope to be able to identify or rule out a genetic cause. UDL President and CEO Michael Mosunic added that his company's interest in the CombiMatrix miscarriage test was based on demonstration of the superior diagnostic abilities of chromosomal microarray analysis over karyotyping in this area of medicine. 

CombiMatrix researchers published a study in June in Genetics in Medicine showing that the company's microarray analysis of more than 8,000 miscarriage samples yielded successful results more than 90 percent of the time, a significantly better performance than standard karyotyping approaches, which are known to fail up to 40 percent of the time.