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Tempus, Intermountain Healthcare Strike Precision Cancer Research Alliance

This article has been updated from a previous version which incorrectly stated that the collaboration is focused on patient care rather than precision cancer research.

NEW YORK — Tempus said on Thursday that it has partnered with healthcare system Intermountain Healthcare to generate molecular data for personalized cancer research.

Under the collaboration, Salt Lake City-based Intermountain will use Tempus' xT broad-panel genomic sequencing assay, which is designed to detect alterations by matching tumor sequencing to normal saliva or blood, to generate whole transcriptomic data on existing samples to advance its research intended to advance patient care and outcomes.

Tempus said it will also structure and harmonize Intermountain's deidentified clinical and molecular datasets to increase their accessibility for researchers.

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Earlier this month, Chicago-based Tempus struck an alliance with Eli Lilly to offer xT and certain other cancer tests at no cost to physicians treating advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients.