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TATAA Biocenter to Distribute SensID MDx Reference Standards

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – SensID has signed a distribution deal with TATAA Biocenter for its molecular diagnostics reference standards, the partners said today.

Under the agreement, TATAA will distribute Rostock, Germany-based SensID's Mdx reference standard products in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and the Czech and Slovak Republics.

TATAA Biocenter has laboratories in Gothenburg, Sweden, and Prague, and serves as a distributor of nucleic acid analysis. TATAA also provides hands-on training in quantitative real-time PCR and next-generation sequencing.

SensID specializes in the development, manufacture, and marketing or reference materials and quality controls for DNA-based diagnostics. Its products include genomic DNA, cell-free DNA, DNA-free plasma, and plasma with cell-free DNA in defined concentrations.