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Orig3n Inks Deal to Market DNA Tests in Mexico

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Orig3n announced yesterday that it has partnered with private equity firm Innovasalud to market its LifeProfile line of genetic assessment tests to the Mexican market.

Under the terms of the deal, Orig3n's tests will be cobranded with Innovasalud and translated into Spanish, Boston-based Orig3n said. Tests covered by the partnership include Fitcode for fitness applications; Aura for skin characteristics; Fuel for nutrition; Bliss for personal behavior; and Bloom for child development.

Additional terms were not disclosed.

"There are so many insights you can glean from your DNA, from your genetic predisposition to vitamin deficiencies, to your fitness potential, to how likely you may be to have a dependence on alcohol," Orig3n Cofounder and CEO Robin Smith said in a statement.

"Our partnership with Orig3n will … [introduce] high-quality lifestyle DNA tests initially to the Mexican market and then to the rest of Latin America," Salvador Cuadros, sales and marketing director of Mexico City-based Innovasalud, added.