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Novacyt Inks French Distribution Deal for Primerdesign Animal Health Testing Products

NEW YORK — Novacyt said on Friday that its Primerdesign molecular testing business has signed a distribution deal for its products to the aquaculture and aquamarine markets in France with Atothis SARL.

Under the terms of the deal, Atothis — a unit of VGS Invest Holding Sarl Group — will distribute Primerdesign's Genesig q16 PCR instrument and related tests in France for use in the early detection of diseases that impact aquatic animal health during food production.

According to Vélizy-Villacoublay, France-based Novacyt, the deal has an initial term of three years and VGS has committed to purchase at least €690,000 ($765,858) worth of Primerdesign products. 

Additional terms were not disclosed.

"As the largest independent aquamarine distributor in France, VGS Group is an ideal partner for Novacyt in this growing area," Novacyt CEO Graham Mullis said in a statement. "This important agreement reinforces our previously identified organic growth strategy, which includes focusing on strategic partners in the animal testing market."