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LifeLabs Medical Laboratory Services Adopts Natera's Panorama NIPT

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – LifeLabs Medical Laboratory Services is offering Natera's Panorama noninvasive prenatal test at its genetics laboratory in Toronto, Natera said this week.

The Canadian lab services provider has adopted Natera's proprietary test technology and its cloud-based software platform, Constellation, which provides access to Natera's bioinformatic algorithms.

Following a competitive bidding process, the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care has selected LifeLabs to perform the Panorama test and will fund the cost of testing for expectant mothers who are considered high-risk and meet certain criteria.

Using its algorithms, Natera said, partner laboratories around the world can now develop and validate their own clinical genomic assays for applications such as NIPT, noninvasive prenatal paternity testing, and, in the future, liquid biopsy assays for oncology.

The Constellation platform meets rigorous patient privacy standards and is highly scalable to accommodate the growing demand for genetic testing, according to Natera.