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German Government Funds CeGaT Liquid Biopsy Research

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – German genetic testing firm CeGaT said today that it has received €500,000 ($531,615) from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to support the development of liquid biopsy methods for the analysis of circulating tumor DNA.

The funding comes from an initiative called the KMU-Innovativ: Biotechnologie-BioChance.

According to CeGaT, the money will help it expand its genetic analysis services to new patients who would currently be ineligible because they cannot safely undergo a tissue biopsy.

In addition to primary diagnosis, the analysis of circulating DNA also allows close monitoring of cancer in ways that tissue analysis does not, the company said.

Data has shown that liquid biopsy approaches can potentially track the growth or the recurrence of a tumor at very early time points. This opens possibilities for CeGaT to potentially offer additional tests in these areas.

The firm did not share further details of its research and development plans.