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Cigna to Cover GenomeDx's Decipher Prostate Cancer Tests

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) — GenomeDx announced today that it has received a positive coverage determination for its Decipher RP and Decipher Biopsy prostate cancer tests from Cigna.

The tests are designed to provide a genomic assessment of tumor aggressiveness for individual patients and are based on GenomeDx's Decipher Genomics Resource Information Database, which contains genomic profiles for thousands of urologic tumors. Decipher RP is indicated for use after prostate removal surgery, while Decipher Biopsy is indicated for use at diagnosis.

Cigna's coverage decision follows an update to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network's prostate cancer guidelines earlier this year suggesting the use of Decipher in men with PSA persistence or recurrence, in addition to its use for prostate cancer prognosis in men with low or favorable intermediate risk disease.

"We are pleased with Cigna's decision to issue a positive medical coverage policy for Decipher, giving greater access to genomic testing for patients with prostate cancer," GenomeDx President and CSO Elai Davicioni said in a statement. "As Cigna is the first national private payor to provide coverage for Decipher, this marks a significant milestone for our company."

GenomeDx noted that several regional private insurers representing over 6 million individuals already cover Decipher for newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients or patients with adverse pathology upon radical prostatectomy.