Title: Automated method of manufacturing polymer arrays.
Patent Number: 8,652,774
Filed: Oct. 4, 2005
Lead Inventor: Melvin Yamamoto, Affymetrix
Title: Use of photopolymerization for amplification and detection of a molecular recognition event.
Patent Number: 8,652,778
Filed: April 8, 2011
Lead Inventor: Christopher Bowman, University of Colorado
Title: Methods and kits for nucleic acid amplification.
Patent Number: 8,653,251
Filed: Jan. 25, 2011
Lead Inventor: Robert Getts, Genisphere
Title: Scoring system for the prediction of cancer recurrence.
Patent Number: 8,655,597
Filed: April 13, 2010
Lead Inventor: Maasaki Oka, Roche
Title: Evaluating genetic disorders.
Patent Number: 8,655,599
Filed: April 27, 2011
Lead Inventor: James Chinitz, Population Diagnostics