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IP Roundup: Affymetrix, Canon, Illumina, Gamida for Life


Title: Multiplex capture of nucleic acids.
Patent Number: 8,628,918
Filed: May 8, 2006
Lead Inventor: Yuling Lao, Affymetrix

Title: Apparatus for producing probe carrier.
Patent Number: 8,628,949
Filed: Feb. 3, 2009
Lead Inventor: Makoto Kameyama, Canon

Title: Array kits and processing systems.
Patent Number: 8,628,952
Filed: March 16, 2009
Lead Inventor: John Stuelpnagel, Illumina

Title: Methods for the electronic, homogeneous assembly and fabrication of devices.
Patent Number: 8,630,807
Filed: April 11, 2006
Lead Inventor: Carl Edman, Gamida for Life