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Gamida for Life Buys Elitech's Microarray Technology

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Gamida For Life Group has acquired electronic microarray technologies from the Elitech Group, a private group of in vitro diagnostics and reagent companies, for an undisclosed sum, Elitech said today.

Paris-based Elitech said that the intellectual property and tangible assets Gamida bought was from Epoch Bioscience, part of Elitech's Wescor division, and were originally acquired from Nanogen in July, 2009, for $25.7 million.

The deal covers the all of the assets associated with the NC400 electronic microarray product line, which is a nucleic acid profiling platform used in SNP applications.

The technologies will be developed and applied within the Gamida for Life Group, mainly by Gamidor Diagnostics and Savyon Diagnostics, Elitech Group President and Founder Pierre Debiais, said in a statement.

Gamida "has developed a variety of focused applications for the NC400 and we believe that our divestiture of these former Nanogen assets to it will allow the full and appropriate realization of the potential of this cutting-edge technology," Debiais said.

Debiais said that Elitech plans to focus on its core strengths and to enhance its molecular diagnostics and real-time PCR activities.

Financial terms of the agreement were not released.