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Cancer Genetics to Provide Testing for Roche Servicios Oncology Program

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Cancer Genetics today said that it has been selected by Roche Servicios to perform testing in order to identify patients who may best respond to oncology drugs from Roche and its business unit Genentech.

Roche Servicios, based in Costa Rica, is an affiliate of the Swiss drug and diagnostics firm Roche.

The service agreement calls for Cancer Genetics to perform complex testing "to provide information for the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer patients," the Rutherford, NJ-based company said in a statement. It will target testing for solid tumors initially with the possibility of expanding into other oncology categories.

Cancer Genetics President and CEO Panna Sharma told GenomeWeb Daily News that testing is for prognostic and theranostic applications of patients for Roche and Genentech cancer drugs on the market. Testing will also be performed that is not tied to specific drugs, he said.

Roche Servicios will provide information resulting from the testing to clinicians in 14 locations in Central America and the Caribbean Islands so that they can make better treatment decisions. Cancer Genetics, which filed a preliminary prospectus for an initial public offering at the end of last year, will test for cancers that are most prevalent in the two regions, it said.

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.