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IV BioHoldings Partners With P4 Diagnostix, Unveils 'Bio Innovation Studio'

NEW YORK – IV BioHoldings said on Wednesday that it has partnered with P4 Diagnostix to fast-track diagnostic tests for improved detection, diagnosis, and treatment of pulmonary, metabolic, and women's health diseases.

IVBH also publicly unveiled its so-called "bio innovation studio" technology accelerator, featuring a portfolio of liquid biopsy companies including LiquidLung, HepGene, and Mammogen.

P4 will exclusively partner with IVBH for all clinical assay development and clinical validation across the lung cancer, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and breast cancer programs for all companies in the IBVH bio studio.

Elizabeth Cormier-May, CEO of Mammogen and commercialization expert within IVBH studio, noted in a statement that "P4's repeated success in diagnostic commercialization, seven CLIA-certified laboratories strategically located across the US, and its proprietary IT solutions enabling electronic health record integration ensures that our clinical and commercial phases of development will be consistent with the efficiency of our model, making them the ideal partner for IVBH."

IVBH partnered with bioanalytics specialist Liquid Biosciences to collaborate on biomarker discovery and validation for the companies in its studio.

LiquidLung was the first company launched from the studio, and Mammogen closed a $2 million seed round of fundraising in June.

LiquidLung, HepGene, and Mammogen all focus on developing noninvasive early detection liquid biopsy assays and are focused on lung cancers, NAFLD, and breast cancers, respectively.

IVBH is currently scaling operations in support of these programs through clinical development and commercialization. Other plans include expanding the company's pipeline across pulmonary, metabolic, and women's health diseases, as well as incubating future company creations.

"With the addition of P4, we're able to progress from R&D to commercialization with the level of speed, efficiency, and quality that all human beings deserve," Marty Keiser, founder and CEO of IBVH, said in a statement.